My goal this year was to heal my body, get pain free and fit again and have fun when running in the woods. This goal I have reached, now it is time for the next step.
It is a while since my last racing period. In middle of June I run Military World Champs and Jukola but then I was occupied mostly with work. Some of this work was to do productions of Swiss Champs as well as daily magazines from WOC. So, I was at WOC again, but again on the “wrong” side. After WOC the biggest project of this year started, Eva and my wedding. Thanks to a lot of help from family and friends I was still able to train very well in July and build a good base for the rest of the season. Then it was time for the biggest day in my life so far. I could marry the best person in this world and be together with family and friends.
Soon after the wedding in Mora, Eva and me traveled to Switzerland where some more work, weddings but also good training possibilities were waiting. I focused on doing a lot of uphill, training in the mountains and running orienteering several times. These sessions should prepare me specifically for the most important races left this year, World Cup test races and hopefully World Cup Final in Switzerland.
EOC 2018, I’m coming
The reason why I am talking about World Cup races and my hope to make the team there is that I already reached my goals this year. I can run without pain again, feel fit and running the Military World Champs as well as the big relays was a lot of fun. With having a healthy body again and a lot of joy with what I am doing, I decided to go for the European Champs 2018 in Ticino. I will do a lot of basic training this fall mostly in Scandinavia and then move to Switzerland in January, to train around the competition area and in my most familiar training environment. Let’s see what’s possible:)
© 2016 Raffael Huber