To support the project in a visual way I have made a trailer and a logo, created a new website as well as a facebook page. Without Sven Rüegg, who helped me with both the trailer and the other publicity and Thomas Scherer, my webmaster, I would never have been able to achieve the great results I have now. These guys worked endless hours and did everything the way I wished. In addition, Niels Epting and Per Frost helped me a lot with their camera work.
Further information about the project as well as the story behind the trailer can be found on my website. The website will fill up with information about the whole project, main events and myself. If you would like to stay updated with my daily life experiences as an orienteer towards the big goal, then please follow me on facebook.
If you want to reach such a big goal you don’t just need a face-lift. I decided to put everything into this project and move to Gothenburg. There I will try to achieve the necessary steps both physically and technically in the Scandinavian terrain. I finished my studies and have no duties besides the Junior World Orienteering Champs in Engadin, where I will manage and direct the the arena- and stream-production. This allows me to work a lot on the mental part of orienteering and have plenty of time for recovery after training.
I’m happy with my winter training. Finally, I trained without pain in my feet and could mostly stick to my plan. The feedback both physically (in the annual lactate-test on a treadmill from the national team) and technically/mentally (during the training camp with the national team in Spain and with GMOK in Czech Republic) was positive. In April it counts for the first time. During the test races in Switzerland I will fight for a spot at the first World Cup Round in Poland and the European Champs in Czech Republic.
Enjoy the show and I hope you will follow me on my way to World Orienteering Champs 2016 in Strömstad.
© 2016 Raffael Huber